
Website Design, Development, Maintenance and Training

CNI web professionals support a wide array of web site, database and software design and development services. In addition to our strong technical capabilities, our consultant possess a deep understanding of government and business operations, including internet marketing, accounting, and back office service operations processes. CNI provides affordable, flexible pricing options, and in most cases we can tell you how much it is going to cost up front with no surprises.

If you need to design or update a web site, web training, deploy an eCommerce solution, integrate your existing systems, or design a custom application, please contact us for a free consultation.

CNI will work with you to develop a web strategy that will provide a road map for the design, implementation, and maintenance of your e-business plan. We assist our clients with both the technical, graphical and marketing aspects of developing a Web Site.  Here is an approach that seems to work best.

1.   Marketing Consultation:  Our consultant will set a time to discuss the nature of a business.  During this interview we will establish a feel for the business and try to help determine "Why should your business be on the internet?" and "What is the purpose of your business's Web Site?"  Likewise, we look to determine a feel for your business's unique features and style.

2.   Content Flowchart:  Based on the results of the interview we will create a flowchart of the content and pages to be included in your Web Site.  This flowchart is designed to show you the possibilities available for their site.  Once this is completed, we consult with you and make modifications to the flowchart.

3.    Rough Draft:  Once the content has your approval, the Project Team will meet together and format a rough draft of your Web Site.

4.   Collection of Content:  We will then help gather and/or create the textual content for your Web Site.  Printed materials are a good starting point for content.  However, a Web Site should be more than just a copy of the source material, which direct many of the visitors to the Web Site in the first place.  Our Marketing Advisors help find the right content for your site.

5.   Collection of Graphics:  Our Graphic Designers will select the pictures or type of pictures for your Web Site.  Then our Graphic Designers will design any custom graphics (Buttons, Logos, Borders and Backgrounds) necessary for site. At this point in the process our Project Team's goal is to find and/or create an overall image for your Web Site.   Specifically, we look to develop a consistent look throughout the site.

6.   Programming:  With the final draft in hand our programmers and designers will actually create the site. 

In addition, we will provide your business with critical web statistics to determine the effectiveness of your company's web strategy. Our consultants will work with you to develop a plan so it is easy for your business to make changes and updates while giving your end-users the performance they need to complete important business functions.

Web Site Design, Development, Training and Hosting

Thank you for considering Computer Networks Int'l for your website design and development  project. Deciding which web development company to trust with your project is not an easy task, but we are the right choice.

We develop dynamic, cost effective, and easy to use websites for companies and for government around the globe. Check out our web design portfolio and client testimonials to see what they’re saying. We love to help small businesses establish or improve their image and web presence, but whether your company is large or small, we have the time, expertise, and creativity to be an integral part of your web marketing solution.

What you can expect with every website design project:

  • Great, fast loading, modern design

  • Private, in progress viewing during design and development

  • Content management system to easily edit your website

  • Basic search engine optimization to help you rank better

  • Professional stock photography as needed during design, to help establish site theme

  • Site map to help visitors find what they are looking for

  • User friendly/Search engine friendly navigation menu

  • Email/information request forms to allow visitor feedback and inquiries

  • Upload to your website host when going live

  • Free minor changes for two weeks following launch of new site

  • Ongoing support for questions and issues

Our core business is website design and web development. We’ve branched out to offer other services and we do them well, however; our main purpose always has been and will continue to be website design. Finer Design started from an idea, grew in to a purpose, became a goal, and then a reality. In that journey, we’ve helped many businesses and individuals along a similar path, and met a lot of great people in the process.

Being a small business, we know that timelines and budgets are important and not an optional guideline to follow, we respect your time and your budget. We don’t re-invent the wheel for every website design project, and always leverage open source technology and solutions whenever appropriate to keep your costs low. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us, we look forward to hearing from you. Let us be your website design company.

Our hosting packages come with all of the features below but can be customized to suit your specific needs, please contact us for a custom quote if needed. We use and support cPanel on security hardened, firewalled servers for your protection.

Website Hosting Features:

  • FREE Setup on all hosting
  • Great Prices
  • Reliable Linux Servers
  • 99.9% Web Server Uptime
  • 24 x 7 x 365 Server Monitoring
  • Knowledgeable Support Staff
  • Daily Server Back-ups
  • Online File Manager
  • Web Based Email
  • Spam Filtering
  • Detailed Visitor Stats
  • Website Backup Utility
  • MySQL Databases
  • Add/remove sub-domains
  • Custom error pages
  • FTP account manager
  • Many more features ...

Web site Maintenance & Updates Training

This is not an exhaustive list, merely an essential minimum. There are dozens of other standards that your web site design team should know something about, e.g., email protocols like SMTP, authentication protocols like Kerberos, programming language standards, etc.

 web design training courses have many objectives. These are the most important:

  • To produce web site designers whose work far exceeds the industry standard
  • To develop companies' in-house capability in business critical web technologies
  • To enhance companies' strategic independence and profitability by adhering to official website design standards

Web development maintenance and training may include HTML coding, working with graphics, menu creation, JavaScript, using website templates, CSS style sheets, FrontPage Expressions, Adobe Photoshop, and content management. One of the best ways to learn web development is to create a simple website

Database and Custom Software Design & Development

What are dynamic web pages?

To understand dynamic web pages, you have to understand normal or in other words 'static' web pages.

Typical non-dynamic web pages do not change every time the page is loaded by the browser, nor do they change if a user clicks on a button. The only change that you will see in static web pages is to see them load and unload, like what happens when you click on a hyperlink.

In a nutshell: static web pages (normal pages you build) always look the same and the content never changes unless you load a new page or you change the page yourself and upload the new version of the page to the web server.

Dynamic pages do the opposite, they can change every time they are loaded (without you having to make those changes) and they can change their content based on what users do, like clicking on some text or an image. (I am not talking about loading a new page!)


One of the most common types of dynamic web pages is the database driven type. This means that you have a web page that grabs information from a database (the web page is connected to the database by programming,) and inserts that information into the web page each time it is loaded.

If the information stored in the database changes, the web page connected to the database will also change accordingly (and automatically,) without human intervention.

This is commonly seen on online banking sites where you can log in (by entering your user name and password) and check out your bank account balance. Your bank account information is stored in a database and has been connected to the web page with programming thus enabling you to see your banking information.

Imagine if the web page holding your banking information had to be built traditionally (that is by hand,) every time your bank balance changed! Even a thousand monkeys working 24/7 drinking 5 cups of coffee a day, would not be able to keep up!

Hopefully you are starting to see why you would want a database driven site: you would want it if your information changes very often, just like in a banking site.

Database driven sites can be built using several competing technologies, each with it’s own advantages. Some of those technologies/tools include:

PHP -  JSP -  ASP -  PERL -  Cold Fusion

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Web site visibility – the ease with which potential customers or visitors can find a web site amongst a myriad of competitors – is a crucial factor in a site’s success or failure.

Web visibility is not merely a question of search engine optimisation (SEO). There is a great deal more to it than that, as this training course demonstrates.

Search engine optimization is important, given that more new web site visitors come from search engine referrals than from any other source, but the term is ambiguous, widely misunderstood and probably overrated.

Shopping Cart and eCommerce Design & Development

E-Commerce Shopping Carts provide you with a platform to sell your products online. There are many e-commerce solution providers that charge an arm and a leg with outrageous set-up costs and ongoing monthly fees, but we are not one of them. We love and use open source standards and technology in all of our projects and because of this, we are able to pass on significant savings to you.

We have a range of experience with shopping carts, but our preference is to work with osCommerce and Magento. We customize every aspect of the store to fit seamlessly with your design, assist you with product setup, and advise on merchant account providers and online payment gateways.

What you can expect with every e-commerce development project:

  • Great, fast loading, modern design

  • Private, in progress viewing during design and development

  • Content management system to easily edit your information pages

  • Product admin to add/delete/updated all product information and photos

  • Secure account and checkout for customer security

  • Searchable product database for visitors to find what they need

  • Basic search engine optimization to help you rank better

  • Professional stock photography as needed during design, to help establish site theme

  • Site map to help visitors find what they are looking for

  • User friendly/Search engine friendly navigation menu

  • Email/information request forms to allow visitor feedback and inquiries

  • Upload to your website host when going live

  • Manual submission to Google, Yahoo, and Bing

  • Free minor changes for two weeks following launch of new site

  • Ongoing support for questions and issues

Internet Marketing Services

If your website does not appear within Google’s first 10 search results, it might as well be invisible. Utilizing the power of Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) which both fall under the umbrella term of Internet Marketing to effectively promote your website and direct relevant traffic to your site is what is needed in order to be able to compete in a competitive online world.

Investing in a sound SEM or SEO campaign is an essential means by which to separate your website above from the crowd’s. The days of using the ‘build it, and they shall come’ approach to website management has long gone, and even securing a perfectly user-friendly website will not be enough to attract the visitors. Getting noticed on the internet will require that you employ solid marketing strategies and endless promotion. Understanding the concept of might aid you more in your quest for the ever elusive high page ranking. Internet marketing aspires to promote websites by increasing their visibility in search engine result pages, or SERPs, through the use of various marketing strategies such as SEO, paid placement ads, contextual advertising and paid inclusion. 


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